The average house price on COTTINGLEY GROVE is £97,180
The most expensive house in the street is 8 COTTINGLEY GROVE with an estimated value of £105,915
The cheapest house in the street is 16 COTTINGLEY GROVE with an estimated value of £84,345
The house which was most recently sold was 16 COTTINGLEY GROVE, this sold on 6 Jul 2022 for £83,500
The postcode for COTTINGLEY GROVE is LS11 0LG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 COTTINGLEY GROVE Terraced , 66 m2 £101,282 £31,750 10 Dec 2001
8 COTTINGLEY GROVE Semi-Detached , 82 m2 £105,915 £85,000 3 Aug 2018
16 COTTINGLEY GROVE Semi-Detached £84,345 £83,500 6 Jul 2022